First Option Healthcare

  • Croydon, UK

A unique, unrivalled service from passionate healthcare professionals

First Option Healthcare matches complex clinical needs with the highest qualified expert healthcare professionals, in the quickest possible time.

As a leading national provider of expert homecare services, First Option Healthcare has a proven reputation for delivering skilled, committed, and caring personnel – in the quickest possible time. The provision of full care mobilisation, including clinical assessment, comprehensive care plan development and funding agreement, all within ten days from initial commission, remains unrivalled – with full mobilisation being deployed in some cases within 48-hours.

In addition, we pride ourselves on filling last-minute staffing crisis with the very best healthcare professionals in the sector, even in the most geographically remote areas, often within 24-hours. Short notice does not mean compromise – We only recruit the most talented personnel who have a genuine passion for their vocation and proven experience at providing top quality care.

We aim to be the leading provider to the NHS, private care establishments and service users within the community by providing excellent service and support.

  • Excellence guaranteed. We only ever use highly trained and vetted First Option Healthcare carers, never outside agency staff
  • We recruit healthcare professionals who actively seek to improve care standards, empowering individuals to live better lives
  • Safety is a primary concern and we carry out a vigorous and thorough vetting procedure including employer references, eligibility to work, DBS, NMC and immunisation checks
  • We hold our professional healthcare staff in the highest regard, rewarding them with excellent rates of pay and benefits, motivating them to deliver the very best care services for you
  • We are able to meet your needs for a small, medium or large package at short notice, whether for ad hoc cover or for longer-term care
  • Quickest available care provision. First Option Healthcare can provide full care mobilisation, including clinical assessment, comprehensive care plan development and funding agreement, within a maximum of ten days from initial commission
  • When you have a last minute staffing problem, First Option Healthcare can deliver, often within 24-hours
  • Comprehensive complex care support for paediatric and adult homecare, whatever the clinical conditions
  • Our team is contactable 24 hours a day, 7 days a week – we have a dedicated out of hours service and a clinical on call rotation
  • Unique First Option Healthcare App-based monitoring of care plans, providing complete visibility and control